Technical Support

Chemviron’s technical expertise and experience across a wide range of European industries enable our engineers to provide the most appropriate and cost-effective activated carbon and service solution for your application.

Chemviron provides a wide range of technical support capabilities to help our customers make the best use of our activated carbon technology, reactivation services and mobile carbon filter solutions. Chemviron backs its products with comprehensive analytical support, including feasibility studies, and cost evaluations, together with full support and operational troubleshooting.

Our technical teams work across many applications and sectors which gives them a broad cross-section of experience in different treatment operations. This means that Chemviron is confident in being able to provide the most appropriate technical advice and operational recommendations for the use of activated carbon technology as a treatment solution. 

Chemviron provides the following technical services to our existing and potential customers:

  1. Application engineering teams to assist with the choice of activated carbon types – (mobile) filter sizing and operating procedures
  2. Robust computer modelling to estimate activated carbon usage rates and feasibility of treatment.
  3. Field Services teams that can assist with the installation or removal of activated carbon in the works.
  4. Technical services laboratories in different locations with capabilities for:

          a. Isotherm testing to help select the most appropriate type of activated carbon,
          b. Pilot testing for the evaluation of dynamic behaviour,
          c. Activated carbon quality parameter testing

     5. Research and Development to develop new products and applications.

Our technical support services are located throughout Europe to support our customers with on-site advice and assistance. In addition to this regional support, Chemviron can call on the support of our global technical teams in the United States and Japan which means that you get the expertise of an industry leader in activated carbon, backed by a service you can trust. 

Practical Application Support

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As providers of a wide range of activated carbons, reactivation services and mobile carbon filters, Chemviron understands customer needs and works with them to develop new or practical solutions to make the most effective use of activated carbon technology.

Our application team of engineers, with more than 80 years of application experience, are trained in many aspects of activated carbon technology and its uses. They can provide practical carbon support and advice on issues, new applications, or challenges. They would evaluate and then recommend a solution based on our robust expertise or laboratory testing using isotherms, accelerated column or actual site testing, using one of our pilot-scale or mobile filter units. This testing helps to ensure that when solutions are installed, they are proven and effective.

The Chemviron team uses our bank of isotherm, column, and pilot test results, developed over many years in the industry, to help resolve new and challenging treatment problems. If any studies of adsorption or carbon performance are required, we would provide support with our experienced laboratory personnel to ensure the testing is conducted appropriately. 

Our Accelerated Column Technology programme enables Chemviron to evaluate GAC performance for selective contaminant removal from a range of water and liquid processes. The Accelerated Column Test (ACT) is a bench-scale procedure that simulates a full-scale system to provide breakthrough data for the removal of organic impurities in water within a few weeks, simulating an actual bed life of years. 

This technique provides valuable performance data on the selective removal of current and future trace contaminants from water and enables our customers to better respond to the challenge with a validation of the bed life and performance under dynamic conditions. 

Contact us for more information

Field and Site Services

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Our people make the difference, and the Chemviron Field Services team provides local site support to our customers for the provision of our reactivation and mobile filter services in their treatment operations. We pride ourselves in working closely with our clients to keep their treatment processes performing their best.

We can provide practical site advice, troubleshooting and support on the potential use of activated carbon from its application, handling and operational aspects. This may include for example the conversion from sand or anthracite filters to granular carbon filters in water works.

Working often to very tight schedules, our Field Service team will work with site personnel to help resolve most practical difficulties that may arise and can assist with the operation of carbon handling systems. 

Technical Service Centres

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The Chemviron Technical Service Laboratories, located at our main service centres, are fully equipped laboratory facilities with a team of technical and quality control chemists providing a range of analytical, sampling and quality control services to support our operations. 

These facilities enable Chemviron to characterise and evaluate activated carbons so that our technical teams can support our customers with process optimisation and troubleshooting. Specific testing is available in the Chemviron Technical Service laboratories to evaluate the quality of your activated for recycling through thermal reactivation. Jar tests, isotherms and Accelerated Column testing can all be conducted in the Chemviron Technical Service laboratories to provide the user with the best possible solution for adsorption with activated carbon. 

Contact us for more information.

Pioneers in Innovation

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Helping our customers resolve problems and develop smart solutions to emerging challenges and opportunities is a fundamental part of our business approach. We work with companies and organisations all around the world, to find innovative ways to provide solutions, with activated carbon technology.


Innovation and sustainability are the backbone of our company, and our state-of-the-art research and development centres give us the largest R&D organisation in the carbon industry, with over 240 patents. These facilities provide comprehensive laboratory capabilities for the evaluation of new and existing products for virtually any application. 

Chemviron’s technical support services are backed up by our corporate R&D teams based in the US and Japan. The R&D team aims to be at the forefront of innovation and through full-scale piloting, bench-top testing and computer modelling, our research and development team can understand how our products will perform and so better support our customers.Chemviron always welcomes the opportunity to work with our customers on their latest purification challenges. 

Contact Our Dedicated Technical Team For More Information.